
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome Avid Eaters(and readers)

Welcome to a blog about one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world. EATING.
I hope I can entertain all you readers about my perspective on some of the metro’s most revered and popular eating joints to the simple yet addictive hole-in the wall restaurants this country has to offer.
I might throw in a little culture or two. Depending on how much the culture can contribute to the taste of the dish. hehe.
I may have to apologize in advance if I may have some typographical, grammatical, and nonsense words I may type in here. but hey, We are just human beings. If you seek a perfectly typed and grammatically correct blog then BOO-HOO, just click on another site and miss out on the great stories i’m about to tell.
So just sit, back, relax and stop downloading porn. I’m about to show you Foodporn at it’s bare necessity.
Thank you.